Tracking your Time with SYNCD

Follow the step by step process to learn this.
Welcome to the first in the KAWolfe Solutions Training.

This training is about SYNCD. SYNCD is a portal that allows us to track our time, so you can be compensated for everything you do. While it helps us to get paid, SYNCD is also important because it allows the company to demonstrate to our clients exactly what we have done for them each day, week, and month.
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Once you arrive at SYNCD you will be prompted for your user name and password.

(These should have been provided to you, via email, when you were hired. If for any reason you did receive your user name and password, or if you need it resent, simply contact the KAWolfe administrator at the main office.)
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2 Log In

Once you have entered your user name and password, clicking the “Log-In” button below will bring you to the opening page of SYNCD.
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Click on Time

To begin tracking your time, simply click on “Time” in the folder tabs at the top of the box.

From here you can select the company you are going to work on for KAWolfe Solutions, by clicking on the arrow to the right of the first block.
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Choose Activity

Next, Choose what you will do for that company in the second block drop-down marked “Activity”.


Add your comment/explanation of the job and click
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Let Timer Run

The timer will continue to run until, at the completion of your task, you click the stop button to the right of start.
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Stop Button

You can also use the stop button to break away from doing something. Regardless of why you stop an activity, you will see the time for that session of work as a line item below the time interface.
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Resume Work

When you are ready to resume, you can either re-enter using the same process above, or click on the restart arrow to the left of your previously stopped/paused task.
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Error Entry

Now you’re ready to give it a try. If you make an erroneous entry, no problem, just use the “x” to the left of the restart arrow to erase the entry. If you wish to edit the time, company, activity, or comment after you have already saved it, just use the edit icon to the left of the “x”.
One Last Tip
Should you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having already worked for several minutes on a specific client and job, only to realize that you didn’t start your timer, you can add an item after the fact with just a few extra steps.

Just start your timer as usual. Once the timer is started click the edit icon to the right of the start time. This will allow you to change your start time to the original start time of your task. Go back to what you were doing and click the “stop” button once your task is completed. If you didn’t realize you had forgotten to start the timer until you were already finished, just click the stop button immediately after changing to your original start time and then use the edit button to the left of the item to edit the end time appropriately.

Please try to keep this edit to a minimum as habitual edits reflect poorly on our company and us when reviewed.

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